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Understanding Motor Oil for High-Mileage Engines

Understanding Motor Oil for High-Mileage Engines

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Most people plan to drive their cars for a long time, which means they will eventually accumulate plenty of miles. If you have a lot of miles on your odometer, you may wonder if you need to use high-mileage oil. Learn more about this type of oil to see whether you should opt for it at your next Jiffy Lube oil change.

What Is High-Mileage Oil?

Most engine oil brands also have specific lines of high-mileage oil. This oil is typically made for autos with more than 75,000 miles on the odometer. The oil brands claim that this oil features useful additives to reduce wear on the engine and deliver other anti-aging benefits.

You will usually pay a few extra dollars for the oil. And they are usually made of a combination of petroleum-based and synthetic oils.

But do you need to use this high-mileage oil? Or can you stick to the regular option?

Seal Conditioners Can Be Helpful

If your chosen high-mileage oil features a seal conditioner, it may be worth the extra money. These conditioners are designed to rejuvenate seals, preventing or even stopping oil leaks.

That is a major concern with older autos, as the internal gaskets and seals shrink and become brittle over time. That can lead to oil streaks on the floor of your garage or on the lower areas of the engine. It can also cause motor oil to enter the combustion chambers and burn. The only sign of a small leak may be your oil level consistently dropping.

But It’s Not Always Worth It

But not everyone needs to use a high-mileage oil featuring a seal conditioner. Yes, they can help rejuvenate the seals, preventing leaks. But if your engine isn’t already leaking or burning oil, you may not need this. And if you use less than a quart of oil for every 6,000 miles or so driven, you likely don’t need it either. The difference in cost may be more than the money wasted on the small (or non-existent) leaks.

Other Additives and Detergents Can Also Be Helpful

Many of these oils for high-mileage vehicles also feature additional additives and detergents. Those detergents are there to clean out engine sludge. Meanwhile, the additives reduce wear on the various moving parts. But you may also find a regular oil that has these ingredients.

Using a thicker oil or one with a higher viscosity may also be helpful once your car reaches 100,000 miles. Or you can opt for oil additives that help stop leaks. Just keep in mind that thicker oil will make it harder to start your engine in cold weather. It will also increase the oil pressure and reduce the oil circulation. That increase in pressure means more pressure to get past the various seals and gaskets. And those seals and gaskets may already be weak from wear.

Jiffy Lube Technicians Can Suggest the Appropriate Oil

When you decide to have your next oil change at Jiffy Lube, our technicians are happy to suggest the right oil for your auto. We can help you choose between various high-mileage and regular oils, as well as between other options, such as synthetic oil or blends. Swing by a Jiffy Lube branch near you today and keep your car engine in tip-top condition.

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