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Jiffy Lube car experts wearing protective masks for COVID 19 precautionary measures

Customer Safety is a Top Priority at Jiffy Lube®; all COVID-19 Precautions are in Place

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The Right Precautions for Your Safety

If you’ve felt a bit strange going out of your home to a store, service center, or restaurant with a face covering on, you’re not alone. Most of us are feeling a bit different about the way life has changed since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak. As scientists have learned more about this dreadful virus, more safety and cleaning precautions have been implemented in the places where you need to go, including your favorite Jiffy Lube® store. Let’s take a look at some of the actions they have taken at Jiffy Lube®.

  • Stay in Your Car – You don’t have to leave your car during the services being performed at Jiffy Lube®. Their service bays are specially built to make it easy for you to remain comfortably in your environment.
  • Cooling Units Added – How can you stay cool when service is being performed? Jiffy Lube® has added cooling units to pipe in A/C during your service to keep you cool. You won’t have to sweat your service at all.
  • Enjoy the Fresh Air – If you choose to get out of your vehicle, Jiffy Lube® offers open bays to make it easy for you to enjoy the natural surroundings of open-air bays where you can take a walk outside and feel comfortable.
  • Small Groups Only – At any given time, typically, fewer than ten people, including staff are present at a Jiffy Lube® location. This allows the company to adhere to CDC guidelines and keep you comfortable during your service.
  • Increased Cleaning Protocols – Jiffy Lube® has increased the cleaning protocols at every location to prevent the spread of germs. They are using cleaning products that are effective against viruses to minimize the potential of surface contamination.
  • Constant Vigilance – Every team member at Jiffy Lube® is practicing extreme caution to follow CDC guidelines. This means continued hand washing and sanitizing by all members of the team at your local Jiffy Lube® store.
  • No Lounge Time – You can lounge in your car or outside the service bay, but you won’t be in the lounge area of the Jiffy Lube® store. To keep you safe from other customers, the lounge areas are not open to use right now.
  • Clean and Ready Restrooms – All restrooms at your local Jiffy Lube® are fully stocked with hand soap and sanitizers to ensure you can be clean when you use the facilities.

Jiffy Lube® is Dedicated to You

When you visit your nearby Jiffy Lube® store, you’re going to find a team of experts dedicated to servicing your vehicle quickly, professionally, and in the safest manner possible. That safety includes taking care of you and working to protect you from COVID-19. Feel confident at Jiffy Lube® where you’ll find the proper protocols and precautions are in place to give you the confidence and comfort you need to bring your car for service. Your favorite place for car care and service is ready to take care of you and protect your health with the right CDC precautions.

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