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Summer Vehicle Maintenance That’s Much Cooler

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Summer Vehicle Maintenance That’s Much Cooler

When you take your vehicle to Jiffy Lube® for service this summer, you can stay cooler in your car than ever before. This is one of the only car service locations that allow customers to say inside the vehicle during the service. Your car has to be turned off, which might make you wonder how you’ll stay cool. Our Jiffy Lube® team has the answer to make sure you can stay cool in your car when service is being performed.

Don’t Sweat During Your Service

Notice the large hoses coming down from the ceiling at our Jiffy Lube® Service Center. Those hoses are attached to cooling units on the roof and pump cool air into your vehicle while you wait in your car. This allows you to stay cool while we service your vehicle the way you want. Our exclusive “no sweat” service with personal in-vehicle cooling systems makes your experience at our location much better for you. Come in and let our team get to work for you today.

What Service Do You Need Today?

Is it time for an oil change? Do your fluids need to be checked? Are your tires due for a rotation? These services and more are easy for you to enjoy while waiting inside your vehicle. Our team will get right to work and help you get back out on the road. You’ll love the feeling of the cool air being pumped into your car while we work on your vehicle to keep your service on schedule. It’s time for you to stay cool this summer and during a service at our Jiffy Lube® service center, you’ll be cool and comfortable the entire time.

Another Way Our Service is Much Cooler

While our team is working on your vehicle and you’re sitting in a comfortable environment with cool air coming into your vehicle, you can find amazing coupons and discounts for the service you’re having performed. Check out our website and find the coupon that will save you money for your oil change or tire rotation while you’re visiting our location. This savings will make you feel even cooler and help you spend less for the service you need completed to keep your vehicle running the right way.

Think of Jiffy Lube® First

Do you want to sit in a smelly, damp, unkempt customer area or would you rather sit in your car while your vehicle is being worked on? Of course, you want to sit in your car. Stay cool in your car when We service your vehicle with our exclusive “no sweat” service with personal in-vehicle cooling systems. Our team will get the work done for you while you stay in a comfortable environment that you enjoy. Stop by and let our Jiffy Lube® experts get to work for you today.

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